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Apple Is Now 100% Powered by Renewables

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 7 years ago
  • Author: Steve Walia

Tech giant Apple has announced that it is now completely powered by renewable energy after a significant push to move away from fossil fuels as part of its sustainability ethos. The significant achievement spans every aspect of the company's operation, from its data centres and offices to its shops, which are all located across 43 countries. Now it is encouraging and helping its suppliers to take the same journey, with nine Apple suppliers now having confirmed that they have recently taken the 100pc green energy ambition on board out of a total of 23 supplier businesses.

Apple has taken a planned and methodical approach to making its vast operation 'greener'. For example, the new Apple Park campus wraps the entire vast roof in solar panels combined with solar battery storage for a 100pc direct renewable energy generation to meet on-site needs. In China, it has constructed solar and wind projects that counteract manufacturing emissions as an offsetting process.

The CEO, Tim Cook, said that the milestone had been hard work to achieve but reflected Apple's desire to leave the world in a better state. He said that the company would keep on pushing the boundaries of possibility with product material choices, recycling initiatives and ongoing work to use renewable energy across the supplier base.

All new data centres in the Apple network are being powered entirely by green energy from their very first operational moment. The company will continue to focus on improving supplier standards, as many of its products are made by suppliers that are out of direct control from the company. This will include ensuring that workers are enjoying safe and healthy working standards after Apple was criticised for conditions at some of its iPhone-producing factories in China.