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Wind power achieves a new record

  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago
  • Author: Steve Walia

​The UK achieved a new generation record for wind energy this month, producing a whopping 19,936MW of clean energy in just thirty minutes on 27th October. The record was produced by Britain's collective offshore and onshore wind farms and was set from 11.30 am to midday, beating the previous record set in May this year of 19,916MW.


The statistics were produced and flagged up by RenewableUK, the renewable energy industry body. The data was produced from official sources by National Grid ESO and demonstrates how clean energy technologies are able to produce over half of the country's total electricity needs at any one time.


At this new peak, Britain's energy farms were collectively producing over 52% of the UK's total electricity. Over the course of the whole day, half of the country's power was produced from wind-generated sources.


This represents another record for clean energy in the UK, although there has already been a proportional clean energy generation record of 64%, set on 29th January this year when 64% of the UK's energy was generated by wind sources.


Dan McGrail, the CEO of Renewable UK, said that as the country moved towards winter, it would be reassuring for British people to know that the country's wind farm investments were able to do the heavy lifting when it came to powering the country and reducing the ongoing reliance on unreliable and expensive gas imports.


He added that this showed how important it was to escalate the investment in wind power capacity, boost the country's security of energy supply and slash energy bills at a time when many households are facing a worrying winter. He added that new wind project investments were currently able to produce electricity at a lower cost than any other type of energy.