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Scotland's first community-owned wind farm secures £5 million funding

  • Publish Date: Posted over 1 year ago
  • Author: Steve Walia

​A community group in North Ayrshire is set to build a pioneering 2.5MW wind farm with over £5 million in funding. Thrive Renewables and Social Investment Scotland are the main financial backers for this ambitious project, and the resulting profits from the wind farm will be reinvested into the local community. This project, undertaken by ATTIX Community Interest Company, is expected to be the first subsidy-free and entirely community-owned wind farm in Scotland.


The wind turbine will be situated outside Kilbirnie in the Garnock Valley and will generate 7,839MWh of electricity annually, equivalent to powering 2,234 average UK homes. Secretary of Radio City Association, Allan Wilson, highlighted the significance of this project, stating that it would bring greater community benefits than all the commercially owned wind turbines in the region combined. The project is part of the Electric Valley Project, which aims to promote sustainability, energy self-reliance, and the reinvestment of profits from the locally sourced renewable energy into the community. This reinvestment will address inequalities in areas such as employment, education and health, which have arisen due to a lack of investment over the years.


The wind farm is 100% community-owned, and profits from electricity sales will be channelled into local initiatives, such as sports and recreational facilities and refurbishing a community hub. Construction is expected to be completed before the end of next year.


Managing Director of Thrive Renewables, Matthew Clayton, commended the project as a great example of perseverance and passion which will provide tangible benefits, including a new stream of revenue, an active role in tackling the climate crisis and local green jobs. Projects like these contribute to building a cleaner, more affordable, and locally sourced energy system, especially when people are struggling with cost of living and energy crises.