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Women of Wind Energy Extends Its Work into Other Clean-Tech Areas

  • Publish Date: Posted over 8 years ago

An organisation that exists to promote the training, professional development and progression of female workers in the wind industry is broadening its scope to include other clean-technology areas. Women of Wind Energy (WoWE) has worked in the wind energy field for some years but is now moving its service and programmes beyond its original purpose.

The move comes in response to ongoing discussion with stakeholders, combined with industry research that shows how women need to be fully represented in the highly skilled technical roles that exist within renewable energy. Continued effort is needed in this field to ensure adequate representation and diversity.

WoWE will be developing a new logo and name to capture its broadened scope. As well as continuing to support the wind energy sector, it will be extending its reach into transmission, renewables, smart grid technologies, distributed generation and green power and helping to create a richer and more diverse workforce in the process.

Its Executive Director, Kristen Graf, said that it was an 'exciting time' for the organisation and renewable power industry, with women entering renewable energy roles in growing numbers. She added that WoWE was keen to continue working across the industry to connect, advance and support women into renewable energy roles.

Other renewable energy bodies such as SEIA and the Energy Storage Association were positive about the news as a continued means of promoting diversity within the renewable energy industry and to extend the work already done within the wind power industry to other emerging technology areas.

Women of Wind Energy offers networking and training events, skills development, mentoring opportunities, job postings, careers information, training news and more to women considering a role within the wind energy sector. Find out more here: