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Government Focuses on Affordable Clean Energy

  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago
  • Author: Steve Walia

​The government is focusing heavily on energy independence and green solutions following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and its implications for energy imports. With energy prices rocketing, government ministers need to ensure homes and businesses can afford to heat and light their homes whilst reducing the UK's dependence on Russian gas and oil imports.


With this in mind, the Prime Minister is expected to explain the new energy supply strategy within the next fortnight, focusing on four key strands: investing in renewable energy, building up nuclear energy capabilities, making properties more energy-efficient and increasing the production of fossil fuels from North Sea reserves.


On the North Sea point, the government says this will be to source domestic supplies whilst Britain transitions to a low-carbon economy. Downing Street says that the net-zero targets are still in place. As part of the new policies, it looks likely that onshore wind farms will benefit from relaxed planning laws again.


Businesses will also be encouraged to bring forward their renewable energy plans with a new team of government advisors on hand to offer support. There will also be a review of fracking, although this will remain controversial for many, even in the face of spiralling oil prices.


Perhaps the most pressing issue is how the government can help families and businesses to meet their soaring energy costs, with proposals that include adjustments to the current energy bill rebate scheme. These include delaying the start of the £200 loan repayments, doubling the sum of the loan and increasing the generosity of the terms for poorer families.


Some MPs want to see energy bill VAT payments and green levies scrapped, fuel duty cut, Universal Credit boosted and the planned rise to NI scrapped. All eyes will be on the next budget.