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New Prime Minister Called Upon To Embrace Green Energy

  • Publish Date: Posted about 2 years ago
  • Author: Steve Walia

​A coalition of environmental groups including green campaigners and faith groups have written to the new prime minister, Liz Truss, encouraging her to take powerful action against climate change, the nation's changing habitats and the ongoing energy crisis.


Over a hundred groups signed the letter, including Countryside Link, the RSPB, Christian Aid and the National Trust, and all said that cohesive and decisive action was vital in order to overcome climate change, rocketing energy prices and concerns about the environment.


Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment spokesperson, Prof Elizabeth JZ Robinson, said that it was lower-income households who were struggling most with the cost of living crisis and who are least able to adapt to climate change. She added that all families should be supported to insulate their homes, access clean and affordable public transport and benefit from energy efficiency measures.


The letter reflected wider concerns over Liz Truss's campaign that focused on fracking and widening North Sea oil drilling operations.


The appointment of Jacob Rees-Mogg, a climate change denier, to business and energy secretary, is also a concern to many as he has core responsibility for delivering Britain's 2050 net-zero targets.


MPs from all large parties have urged Truss to stick to the UK's legally binding target to achieve net zero by 2050 They point out that new renewable energies are cheaper than fossil fuel energies and that better home insulation could slash bills by 50%, offering cheaper, faster and more popular solutions than new North sea gas, fracking and nuclear.


New research shows that 30% of consumers are prepared to change their everyday consumption, travel and living habits in order to do their part to protect the environment.


Some challenging but exciting times ahead for the energy industry.