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The UK Looks Set to Miss Its Renewable Energy Targets

  • Publish Date: Posted over 8 years ago

MPs have warned the government that Britain is in danger of missing its renewable energy targets, particularly in the fields of clean fuels for transport and heating. The news comes after research was carried out by the Energy and Climate Change Committee, who discovered that there was little evidence of a cohesive plan to achieve the original target of 15pc renewable energy by 2020.

This target, which the government signed up to alongside other EU nations, included a target to produce a third of all electricity from low-carbon sources such as solar, wind and other technologies by the end of this decade - along with ensuring transport was being powered by 10pc clean fuel. However, Britain has no legal obligation to meet this target, and many are concerned that the new government will lack the same ambition to see it achieved.

The targets were signed up to as part of the European-wide renewable energy plan. Despite the Brexit vote, Britain will still be expected to achieve its original commitment. There is some good news in the renewable electricity field, which the UK is faring well in, but it is falling behind on the use of clean energy for transport and renewable heating measures.

Analysts believe that the government will need to commit to significant policy changes to achieve the original goals. Without this, Britain will lose its existing position as one of the world's leading drivers of renewable energy adoption and a sustainable economy. 

Transport fuels and heating are challenges because fossil fuels remain the most viable fuel source. There has also been minimal progress in building new district heating systems in the UK. These are features of many European cities, and they use otherwise wasted heat from power stations and waste incinerators.